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LOKSAK Bags for Physical and Wireless Protection

LOKSAK makes better resealable plastic bags -- in a variety of sizes to protect your important papers and valuable electronics from dirt and dust, sand and salt, water and humidity (see earlier post).

These are heavier weight and more rugged than grocery store plastic bags, with a hermetic seal so you can take your camera phone underwater or even use them to store food and contain odors.

And you can still use the touchscreen on the Apple iPhone or other devices while they are protected.

The bags now come in some 13 sizes, from 3.37 x 6.37 to 31.5 x 16.5 inches, to store wallets and passports and books and maps to smartphones and mini and full-size tablets. Prices start around $7 for three-packs of the smaller bags, to $18 for two-packs of the larger bags.

There's also the SHIELDSAK, a lightweight, fabric Faraday pouch that blocks wireless signals that can access your information.from mobile devices, passports, and credit cards.

This was originally designed for the U.S. Military, and blocks Radio Frequency (RF), Infrared, and Skim/Quick Scan Technology.

The SHIELDSAK feels like a soft fabric and is a neutral gray/brown in color. It's secured with a top velcro enclosure, plus an additional fold-down velcro strip. The model for phones is around $64 (4.5 x 5.5 inches), and the larger model for tablets is $149.

This is a nice solution if you want to totally disable a cell phone, or don't like the idea of walking around abroad with the new U.S. passports that feature the RFID chip that allows a wireless scanner to read out your personal information.

Find LOKSAK bags and the SHIELDSAK on Amazon.com

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